Comic Strips

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Updated: 2025/02/11 - 08:06 am

Workplace Comics

9 to 5

Rancorous bosses, quirky workers, and an up-and-down stock market populate the world of 9 to 5. A cast of regular characters include J.B. Wells (the boss), Sims (office flunkey), and Ms. Forbes. While mainly a satire on business, the comic also pokes ...

By: Harley Schwadron
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: GoComics


Welcome to the new way to office, straight from the humor of Rob Harrell. Follow this hilarious yet true-to-life work-at-home dad, Adam, as he deals with job deadlines, minivan support groups, sibling arguments and marital bliss while chasing down ove...

By: Rob Harrell
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: GoComics


Crock chronicles the adventures of Commandant Crock and the assortment of hilarious characters stationed at this grim, desolate outpost, including the cowardly Captain Poulet, the simple-minded Maggot, camp follower Grossie and the ever-astray Lost Patrol.

By: Bill Rechin
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: King-Features

Dilbert Classics

Dilbert by Scott Adams is the most photocopied, pinned-up, downloaded, faxed and e-mailed comic strip in the world. Dubbed the cartoon hero of the workplace by The San Francisco Examiner, Dilbert has been syndicated since 1989 and now appears in 2,000...

By: Scott Adams
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

On the Fastrack

On the Fastrack chronicles the comic misadventures at Fastrack Inc., a wry mirror of the contemporary work scene. Ruthless boss Rose Trellis runs Fastrack, Inc. and thrives in an atmosphere of corporate political intrigue and back-stabbing.

By: Bill Holbrook
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: King-Features

Sally Forth

By: Francesco Marciuliano & Jim Keefe
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: King-Features

The Academia Waltz

The Academia Waltz was Berke Breatheds first cartoon, published daily from 1978 to 1979 in The Daily Texan at The University of Texas at Austin, where he was a student. The strip focused primarily on college life, although it sometimes made refer...

By: Berkeley Breathed
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: GoComics

The Pajama Diaries

Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: King-Features

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