Comic Strips

Read the best daily comic strips online

Updated: 2025/02/11 - 10:04 am

Adventure Comics

Amazing Spider-Man

It was on the pages of Amazing Fantasy No. 15 where the Amazing Spider-Man first appeared. And in March 1963, one year after his first appearance, Spider-Man was starring in his own comic book and on his way to becoming Marvel Comics most popular super hero ever!

By: Stan Lee & Alex Saviuk
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Andy Capp

Andy and his wife, Flo, live out the epitome of functional dysfunction. From the pub to the bedroom, Andy\s misadventures paint an indelible portrait of an extremely British battle of the sexes. Join Andy and Flo as they bicker their way through...

By: Reg Smythe
Genre: Relationships
Syndicate: Creators


Loved as an American icon and respected as an adventurer, Annie\s voyages pit her against some of the comics pages? most notorious criminals. Annie?s tireless pursuit of justice has reinvigorated this classic strip, giving it more ac...

By: Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: GoComics


Beardo chronicles the adventures of a plucky cartoonist with a knack for finding the punchline in everyday life. An ongoing comic since 2006, Beardo has come a long way since its debut as the story of a coffeehouse barista with dreams of being an arti...

By: Dan Dougherty
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Brewster Rockit

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! is a satirical, retro-futuristic comic strip that chronicles the (mis)adventures of the lantern-jawed, lunkheaded, and sometimes childlike Brewster Rockit, captain of the space station R.U. Sirius, and his crew of misfits. ...

By: Tim Rickard
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: GoComics

Brick Bradford

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features


Buckles is a comic strip about a wide-eyed house dog exploring his way through the everyday routines of life. With the guidance from his owners Paul and Jill, Buckles discovers unique adventures from his backyard to the outer reaches of the great unknown beyond the fence.

By: David Gilbert
Genre: Animals
Syndicate: King-Features

Buz Sawyer

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Cest la Vie

Enjoy the existential adventures of transplanted Parisienne Mona Montrois as she chain-smokes her way to equilibrium in the City of Angels, armed only with the sage advice of confidant and adviser Monsieur Smokey, a lewd, chauvinistic stuffed bunny.

By: Jennifer Babcock
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Calvin and Hobbes

One of the most famous and popular comic strips of all time, Bill Wattersons Calvin and Hobbes has been a timeless worldwide favorite since its introduction in 1985. The beloved comic follows the richly imaginative adventures of 6-year-old Calvin and...

By: Bill Watterson
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Cow and Boy Classics

?Cow & Boy Classics? chronicles the ongoing adventures of Billy and Cow. The duo spend endless days pondering life?s big questions, all the while dodging cat-copters, runaway tractors, and any other oddity aimed their way. ?Cow & Boy Classics? is clev...

By: Mark Leiknes
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics


Crock chronicles the adventures of Commandant Crock and the assortment of hilarious characters stationed at this grim, desolate outpost, including the cowardly Captain Poulet, the simple-minded Maggot, camp follower Grossie and the ever-astray Lost Patrol.

By: Bill Rechin
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: King-Features

Daddy Daze

From giddy romps and imaginary adventures to tender bedtime moments and hilarious encounters with the rest of the world, \Daddy Daze\ is a comic strip about the special relationship between a father and son. Readers will connect instantly with Paul, the single dad who amicably shares custody of little Angus with ex-wife Amy, as he juggles an at-home job and domestic duties.

By: John Kovaleski
Genre: Family
Syndicate: King-Features

Dick Tracy

Artist Joe Staton and writer Mike Curtis co-author Dick Tracy, the classic comic strip distributed by Tribune Media Services.Created by Chester Gould in 1931, Dick Tracy is one of America\s most-enduring pop-cultural icons, noteworthy for its steadfas...

By: Joe Staton and Mike Curtis
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: GoComics

Doodle Town

Doodle Town is inspired by my longtime relationship with Patch the Pups and our creative life. Our adventures have been paved with some amazing times and some tough times too. But luckily, through it all we are still kids at heart! Sometimes the perso...

By: Melissa Lomax
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Flash Gordon

For more than seven decades, loyal fans have explored the stars with the comics most famous intergalactic adventurer, his female companion Dale Arden, and scientist, Dr. Hans Zarkov.

By: Jim Keefe
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Flash Gordon

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Flash Gordon Sundays

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features


Frazz by Jef Mallett follows the adventures of an unexpected role model: an elementary-school janitor whos also a Renaissance man. While hes sweeping the hall, hes whistling Beethoven. Or Lyle Lovett. He paints the woodwork in the classrooms; he pa...

By: Jef Mallett
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Ginger Meggs

Ginger Meggs has been entertaining readers since 1921, making it one of the longest running comic strips in history. Australias favourite boy is ready to take on school, homework, bullies and the world with a special blend of boyish adventure and...

By: Jason Chatfield
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Hutch Owen

A hilarious, enraged, snotty, and smart underground sensation! Hutch Owen?s acclaimed, award-winning dregs-of-society adventures skewer the multinational, mega-merging, corporate forces that control our lives. Tom Harts popular vagrant/rebel ...

By: Tom Hart
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Jims Journal

Since 1987, readers have adored the remarkably quiet adventures of Jim as recorded in his daily journal. His work has been collected in several books, including the bestselling I Went To College and it was okay. Jims day-to-day meta-observation...

By: Jim
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Johnny Hazard

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Jungle Jim Sundays

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Katzenjammer Kids

The Katzenjammer Kids features the adventures of Hans and Fritz, twins and fellow warriors in the battle against any form of authority. The Katzies rebelled against Mama (their own mother, of course), der Captain (the shipwrecked sailor who acted as their surrogate father) and der Inspector (dreaded representative of the school authorities).

By: Hy Eisman
Genre: Family
Syndicate: King-Features

Kid Beowulf

Inspired by the epic poem BEOWULF, Kid Beowulf is an action-adventure story that follows 12-year-old twin brothers Beowulf and Grendel as they travel across distant lands and meet fellow epic heroes therein. The strip begins with the twins origin ...

By: Alexis E. Fajardo
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

King of the Royal Mounted

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Kitchen Capers

Not just a recipe cartoon, Kitchen Capers has a little comic treat running through its soft centre. Ken is a chef and Clover a cartoonist. Follow their adventures as he tries to teach her a few home economics and she tries to teach him a few home truths.

By: David Banks
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Little Fried Chicken and Sushi

When Karl moves to Japan with his family and finds a magical raccoon spirit, fitting into a new life becomes even more challenging. Join the adventure as we discover that living in Japan ain’t easy but it sure can be fun! New comics update every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in color.

By: Khalid Birdsong
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Mandrake the Magician

A suave and sophisticated man of mystery Mandrake is a magician often battles the most remarkable and inventive villains while attired in formal black-tie and tails. Equally at home at a swank society affair or among the colorful denizens of the underworld Mandrake is world famous for his many remarkable feats. Created by Lee Falk.

By: Fred Frederick
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Mandrake The Magician

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Mandrake The Magician Sundays

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Mara Llave: Keeper of Time

Genre: Current
Syndicate: King-Features

Mark Trail

Mark Trail was an environmentalist before it was fashionable to be one. Mark\s mission has always been that of preserving the American wilderness, water and wildlife for future generations.

By: Jules Rivera
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Mark Trail Vintage

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features


Marvin features a precocious red-headed toddler who spends much of his time lost in his own thoughts and fantasy adventures.

By: Tom Armstrong
Genre: Family
Syndicate: King-Features

Moose and Molly

Moose and Molly chronicles the misadventures of a lazy, out-of-work, out-of-shape loafer and life with his wife, children and multitude of pets. Moose can never seem to hold a job for more than a day, despite constant goading from his wife, Molly.

By: Bob Weber Sr.
Genre: Family
Syndicate: King-Features

New Adventures of Queen Victoria

Join HRH Queen Victoria as she daily levels her regal gaze upon the fools and tomfoolery of our time. Along with her classically-rendered co-characters Prince Albert, Anne Boleyn, George III (aka ?Grandpa?), Mrs. Clipart and Maurice, Queen...

By: Pab Sungenis
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

On the Fastrack

On the Fastrack chronicles the comic misadventures at Fastrack Inc., a wry mirror of the contemporary work scene. Ruthless boss Rose Trellis runs Fastrack, Inc. and thrives in an atmosphere of corporate political intrigue and back-stabbing.

By: Bill Holbrook
Genre: Workplace
Syndicate: King-Features

Our Super Adventure

By: Sarah Graley and Stef Purenins
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics


Dont miss the daily misadventures of cartoonist Chip Dunhams clever crew of shipboard malcontents, incompetents and laggards. Overboard stands out with a pointed wit that has dagger-sharp timing and effect.Louie, the ships faithful dog, is the cent...

By: Chip Dunham
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics


A fantastic saga of adventure both high and low, of forbidden passion and iambic pentameter, of fays, fools, organists, demons, accordions, heaven, hell and Shakespeare, Pibgorn follows the whims and flights of its eponymous fairy heroine as she plies...

By: Brooke McEldowney
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Pibgorn Sketches

A fantastic saga of adventure both high and low, of forbidden passion and iambic pentameter, of fays, fools, organists, demons, accordions, heaven, hell and Shakespeare,Pibgorn follows the whims and flights of its eponymous fairy heroine as she plies ...

By: Brooke McEldowney
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics


Popeye is an underdog with a long fuse and a keen sense of fair play. Everyone identifies with him when he finally says, Thas all I can stands, and I cant stands no more! And it seems only fitting that our most unlikely hero would fall for the least likely of sex symbols: Olive Oyl.

By: Bud Sagendorf (DAILIES) & Hy Eisman (SUNDAYS)
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Popeye\s Cartoon Club

In the 1930s, E.C. Segar often included cartoons drawn by his fans at the end of his Sunday comics. This time, King Features has invited all kinds of cartoonists, illustrators, animators, and other artists to bring their own vision of Popeye to life. Each week, you\ll see a different take on Popeye, Olive Oyl, Wimpy, and the rest of the gang, from a different cartoonist - some you already know and love, and some who will be new to you!

By: Various
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Prince Valiant

Created in 1937 by the immortal Hal Foster Prince Valiant continues strong to this day as the pinnacle of comic strip adventure storytelling. Balanced between the excitement and danger of medieval knightly derring-do and the domestic complexities surrounding a high-spirited family Val has little time for rest and his devoted readership would have it no other way.

By: Mark Schultz & Thomas Yeates
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

Prince Valiant Sundays

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Radio Patrol

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Real Life Adventures

Dogs, bosses, garden slugs, who sits next to who at Thanksgiving, cheating at golf, fretting the night away, carping couples on long trips, eating over the sink, toenail clippings, cosmic order, hairballs, flop sweat, coughing into oneŸ??s elbow, clog...

By: Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Red and Rover

Follow the adventures of 10-year-old Red, a boy who dreams of going to space and loves baseball, and his dog Rover, a loyal friend and chaser of squirrels. Whether flying through space, bouncing on the moon, fishing, waiting for Popsicle Pete, or deli...

By: Brian Basset
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Rip Haywire

The Adventure Comic Strip is Back -- With a Twist -- in Rip Haywire. Rip Haywire is a soldier of fortune, a brave, square-jawed man of honor who lives for danger. Accompanied on adventures of chance by his cowardly dog TNT and his venom...

By: Dan Thompson
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

Rip Kirby

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

Secret Agent X-9

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features


The comic strip of Tarzan of the Apes, drawn by Harold Foster for the United Feature Syndicate, began publication in various American newspapers begining on January 7, 1929. The comic strip was one of the first continuity action adventure comic strips and an adaptation of Burroughs first novel, was completed on March 16 of the same year. Foster turned down the commission to adapt the second novel. The full-page Sunday strip began publication on March 15, 1931 with drawings by Rex Maxon.

By: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: GoComics

The Adventures of Business Cat

By: Tom Fonder
Genre: Funny
Syndicate: GoComics

The Phantom

The Phantom is a classic series of action adventure comics, also considered an aesthetic precursor of the superhero comic, if not its pioneer. Created by writer Lee Falk in 1936 with the collaboration of cartoonists such as Ray Moore, it is still published today. The Phantom has had adaptations to other media, such as novels, films and television series.

Genre: Adventure
Syndicate: King-Features

The Phantom

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

The Phantom Sundays

Genre: Classics
Syndicate: King-Features

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More about Comic Strips!

Wikipedia Cartoon and Comics Portal Page - Artist Compendium

The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum - research library of American cartoons and comic art